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Angel Healing

Angel Healing

Angel Healing is a form of complementary therapy that focuses on calling in angelic energy to provide healing in various ways. Being quite intuitive, the Angel Healer will call upon an Angel, or Angels, to bring in the needed energy based upon what the issue at hand is.

Quite often through guided visualisation, people partaking in Angel Healing will have the energy of Angels placed around them A lot of the time too a key Archangel or Archeia is called upon to guide the Angel Healer in the session. Archangel Raphael is a great being in these sessions given their known ability to bring about healing energy.

As Angel Healing is a complementary therapy, it is ideally used in conjunction with medical practices to treat illness and disease. So consultation of a medical practitioner is always recommended should illness, disease, or injury occur prior to considering Angel Healing.

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